Friday, June 7, 2013

American Bank Offers $1M To Anyone Able To Solve This Mathematical Equation (LOOK)

For those of you guys feeling like Kim Ung Yonga, this is something for you guys to test you brain with. A Texas banker is upping the ante to $1 million for whoever solves a tricky problem that’s been doggingmathematicians since the 1980s. The Providence, Rhode Island-based American Mathematical Society (AMS) on Tuesday said $1 million will be awarded for the publication of a solution to the Beal Conjecture Quote: If Ax + By = Cz , where A, B, C, x, y and z are positive integers and x, y and z are all greater than 2, then A, B and C must have a common prime factor. The administration of the Beal Prize is overseen by a Beal Prize Committee (BPC) to be appointed by the President of the AMS. The formal charge of the BPC and the ‘Procedures for Determination of an Award of the Beal Prize’ are subject to the review and approval by the Council of the AMS. The Beal Prize Fund is held as a restricted asset of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), with US$1,000,000 to be awarded if, in the judgment of the BPC, the conjecture is proved or a counterexample is presented. A proposed solution of the Beal Prize Problem may not be submitted directly to the AMS, or to the Beal Prize

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